

Electric bikes are part of a wide range of Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) that provide convenient local transportation.

Demand of electricity is on high in the past decade



Demand of electricity is on high in the past decade

Due to heavy consumption of power now-a-days, electricity is bought from other countries. In case of larger amounts, the initial amount of investment required is very high. To do all these activities, it requires large expenditure. These methods will help consumer to feel more secure and power independent. Similar to solar energy, this requires comparatively large funds for starting the projects as it requires the construction of nuclear reactors. In spite of its advantages of being cheap, nuclear energy is hazardous and easily prone to mishap. People who get affected by the power hike are common men. Non-conventional methods for generation of electricity in smaller amounts are affordable. As time passes due to the depletion of natural sources and fossil fuels, hydro power and thermal power are becoming scarce. Researchers are looking at non-conventional methods of power generation to meet the present day's demand. In contrast to the above situation and to meet the present demands, the supply of electricity is not enough. The industries are getting high subsidies from the local government on power consumption. The various factors responsible for this are advent of technology, industrialization and lots of electric home appliances. When we are buying from someone, the cost is decided accordingly by the countries that are selling it. Their pockets become light as days pass by. The cost of electricity is totally dependent on demand supply equation. At present, major dependence is on hydro power. The best alternative to be followed is implementing green technologies at consumer end to minimize the dependency of us on electricity and minimize the usage of electricity. Another form of non conventional energy, is nuclear energy which is being most talked about in the developing countries. To establish a solar energy generation, we require large solar panels and these panels in turn must be connected to big generators which generate require amounts of energy. There are no other alternatives to look into and the common man suffers from the agony of pricing of electricity. These non-conventional forms of energy can supplement the main electricity generated from water and thermal power, but we cannot completely depend on these types of energy. Generally, power generation is itself a big cost involved operation. For example, solar energy is one form of non-conventional form of energy that is used in place of regular forms of energy. Usage of electricity is now necessary for all the daily usage works. There was a time when there was no electric power available as it is now. Demand of electricity is on high in the past decade. Almost everything depends on electric appliances. For example, using energy saver lights at home will save amount of power consumption, removing older electronic goods which are at home as they consume large amounts of power etc.Can we use a mobile phone that is Electric Scooters Suppliers switched off? Can we play music on an iPod that is not charged? Can we just live without electricity for one day? Today, we cannot imagine a world without electricity.



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