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Serious bike accident happens in California



Serious bike accident happens in California

You should also wear a helmet light so you can illuminate any place you decide to look. . According to the Fatality Analysis Reporting System, over 20% of fatal bike accidents in California over the past 5 years have occurred due to a failure to yield right of way. Be "Right": In California, it is recommended for bicyclists to stay as close as possible to the right-hand side of the road.With hundreds of bike accidents occurring every year, the busy roads of California can be a dangerous place for bicyclists. Here are three ways you can go out of your way to prevent a serious bike accident from occurring: 1. By paying attention to your surroundings you can greatly reduce the chances of being in a bicycle accident in California. However, there is also a lot of responsibility to riding on state roads with a bicycle. When a serious bike accident happens in California, it doesn't matter so much whether you were "right" or "wrong"; whenever you are riding a bike you are in a much more vulnerable position than a person in a motor vehicle. With staggering amounts of injuries and deaths occurring in California because of this issue, it is necessary for a biker to learn defensive biking skills to avoid bicycle accidents. Applying these tips won't guarantee road safety, but they will decrease your chances of being in a bike accident in California. Biking in California can be a lot of fun, especially when the sun is shining. Always scan intersections cautiously so you can avoid a bike accident because of another person's mistake. A failure to yield right of way can mean many things, but it occurs most often when a motor vehicle does one of the following: Intentionally interferes with the movement of a person who is legally riding a bike, Overtakes and passes a bicyclist in an unsafe manner, or Does not yield right of way to a bicycle that is being operated within a designated biking lane. Be Visible: If you are ever biking at ebicycle night in California, you should wear reflective biking gear, have a red light for the back of your bike and a headlight to see where you are going. Be Observant: While you might have the right of way when going through an intersection, a bicycle is much more difficult to see than a car. This allows motor vehicles to pass you easily without putting you at risk of a bike accident. 2. 3. However, a biker who pays attention to signage and practices defensive biking can significantly decrease their chances of being involved in a serious bicycle accident.



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